Welcome to Essential Hiring! (*January 4, 2021)

We help companies and candidates fill important jobs in key industries that experience high-demand, quickly and reliably!


If you’re joining our candidate database and signing up to our email list, we want to welcome you!

To tell you about us in one long, run-on sentence:

We are a digital hiring platform that offers companies and job seekers a much faster, smarter and simpler  way to hire and get hired for high-demand jobs in specific industries that need to be filled quickly and reliably by matching companies with the right candidates based on job roles, location, skills, experience, certifications, wage, availability and other relevant conditions and criteria that may apply.

Get all that?

In lesser words:

We help companies and candidates fill important jobs in key industries that experience high-demand, quickly and reliably!

How do we do it?

By providing an online platform where both sides tell us exactly what they’re looking for and we help them find it.

From industry, positions, and locations all the way down to wages, skills, and availability — with other criteria in between — we take employers and job seekers through a series of simple steps (some fields to fill out, some boxes to check) in order to complete their profiles.

Once completed, we verify the companies and vett the candidates to help make sure everyone’s legit and qualified.

And that’s it. You’re ready to get hired!

Once you accept a position or a shift, through instructions and onboarding you receive whatever you need to start working. Taxes are deducted. The Employment Standards Act (ESA) is followed. And wages are deposited directly into your account.

All you have to do is show up, work hard and earn favourable ratings and reviews. The more favourable your ratings and reviews, the more opportunities you’ll have to secure more jobs and earn more money!

Who’s it for?

The whole idea of jobs and hiring for in-demand and on-demand positions or other, more qualified positions that need to be filled quickly — part-time, full-time, shift, contract —appeals to people from all walks of life. College students, recent graduates, new immigrants, single Mom’s, single Dad’s (yes, they exist too!), seniors and newly-retired folks who still want to work once in a while, those looking to put more money towards their debt, those looking to put more money in their bank… we could go and on and on.

The differences in personal profiles and purpose is wide. But there’s ONE major similarity.

They all want access to opportunities that can fit around their life and their schedule. And that’s exactly what Essential Hiring provides!

Now with all that being said, the world has been changing dramatically over these last few months and will continue changing as the weeks and months go by. And one of the BIGGEST changes taking place is with employment. While some industries like hospitality have been decimated, for the time being, other areas like online retail and warehousing are hiring in numbers not seen before directly as a result of the pandemic. There’s never been more uncertainty.

This makes what we’re trying to do all the more urgent! As we get closer to going live, we’ll be keeping in touch through emails. In addition to sharing regular updates on job openings and new opportunities, we’ll also be sharing advice, articles, information, resources, solutions, stories and any other content we think might help you along the way.

What we send and share may not always apply to your situation, but we promise if you stick around you’ll get some value from being part of our email list. *FYI… If you’re not on our candidate email list yet, you can sign up at https://findjobs.essentialhiring.com/

Once we get close to launching the site and taking the platform live, we’ll be sending you emails reminding you to complete the rest of your profile — your skills, certifications, wage expectations, availability — so companies can find you and hire you!

If you ever have any questions for us or think we might be able to assist in any way, feel free to reach out to us anytime by sending an email to info@essentialhiring.com. We’ll do our best to help out!

The Essential Hiring Team

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