The Case for Job Agencies and Other Options: A Short Plug!

If you can adapt that easily and quickly on the job, the speed with which you’re able to find the job should also match.


If you’ve ever been a serious job seeker —which is most of us at some point in our lives — you’ll know it’s a job in it’s own right. And when you’re really looking, it’s definitely not a part-time thing.

Being a committed and focused job seeker is a full-time job. That’s why there are so many services out there (like resume writing and career counseling) to help job seekers better prepare. That’s also why there are so many job agencies out there. Because lots of people will take the help wherever they can get it. They’re free to look on their own, but they improve their odds of success by having more options on the table, and they’re willing to give a little bit up for that.

Another option — a newer one — that merges the traditional job agency model with one that also accounts for companies and job candidates that want to fill and find jobs fast, is built around the idea of having an existing, digital database of pre-screened and vetted candidates who are available and ready to work immediately, if required. No interview necessary! 

Whereas a traditional agency does the initial pre-screening, the main vetting (or interview) is usually done by the company doing the hiring. This makes sense for lots of different types of jobs. 

But for others, like a lot of frontline work, it’s not the only option and it doesn’t always make the most sense. That’s because a lot of frontline work, particularly at the entry-level, does not require months or years of advanced training. Much of it can be picked up on the job relatively quickly, especially if the type of work being done is familiar. 

If you’ve worked as a cashier or concierge, or on a warehouse or factory floor, or served as a licensed security guard at one business or location, chances are you can do it at multiple businesses and locations.

And if you can adapt that easily and quickly on the job, the speed with which you’re able to find the job should also match.

That’s exactly what some newer employment agencies and hiring platforms (like ours!) are offering. A place where pre-screened, vetted candidates and companies can find each other quickly and reliably, without all the costs, time and headaches that go into finding and filling these kinds of jobs the traditional way.

So if you agree with the sentiment, join our candidate database and let us help you find your next job or shifts. 

Click on the link to register or login. Or contact us directly at info@essential if you need some one-on-one help.

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