Pandemic-Proof Jobs!

Here is a list of six entry-level jobs that should be available in abundance...


There’s absolutely no doubt we’re living in strange and challenging times to say the least. In some ways, it feels like one of those end-of-the-world scenarios right out of the movies. Except there’s no zombies, no comets racing to Earth, no tsunamis racing to land, and everything still feels relatively normal. Sure, there’s a virus out there, but it’s not a flesh-eating one that’s also causing us to eat each other along the way. We’re sure there’s a movie on that too! Nevertheless, here we are, living through a pandemic together and doing our best to keep going, taking life day-by-day.

The pandemic has affected so many of us in a lot of different ways. But if there’s one thing it’s done for everyone, it’s reminded us – sometimes in very harsh ways – how unpredictable life can be. Just take a look at employment. It’s like a tale of two worlds. While some industries and jobs have flourished, others have been decimated. While nothing’s certain, for the time being it seems there are some jobs that have remained secure, and in some cases, have surged. So, if you’re on the hunt for your next gig, here is a list of six entry-level jobs that should be available in abundance, barring any of the scenarios described above.

1.) Grocery Clerks

In any challenging time, one thing we can’t give up as humans is food, water, and other resources to help us survive, literally! Now, grocery clerks and retail workers – and all who are part of the supply chain process – are the ones who are responsible for making sure those items we need to survive end up in the isles and on the shelves where we shop.

By now we’ve seen first-hand that the large-chain grocery business is pandemic-proof. While some say it’s just another example of protecting big business, the fact is these big businesses also employ A LOT of people.

Until the pandemic, most of us took these jobs for granted. Some probably still do. But imagine if those stores were void of any help or assistance during times like this. You might think, free-for-all. But as you pass by that last leaf of lettuce with red droplets sliding though its creases, you’ll realize how important all those clerks (and security guards!) are, pandemic or no pandemic.

Good skills and traits to have: Organization, good communicator, friendly personality, some basic math

*Salaries are approximately $15 per hour

2.) Security Guards

Speaking of Security Guards, in most instances, whenever there is any kind of major disruption in the natural order of things, there is usually a need for more security. This time is no different. Even though bars, nightclubs, larger events, and gatherings have effectively ended since last year and we’ve been in various states of shutdowns and lockdowns, jobs in security have seen spikes because of the pandemic.

During the initial phase, many businesses employed security guards, not to protect their open businesses, but to watch over their closed ones. This stabilized, but many other larger stores and businesses continued employing a steady stream of guards for crowd control, monitoring, and even checking the temperatures of people entering certain businesses.

The demand for security guards will rise as things slowly open back up. When we do start to get back to some sense of normalcy – whatever that may look like – there’s a good chance the uptick will continue with new rules and standards of procedure for larger events, requiring even more security guards.

While we’ll save this for another article, getting a job in security can also lead you down a career path with lots of options. The security industry itself is a $6 billion+ industry in Canada employing hundreds of thousands with over 100 000 as licensed security guards. It can lead to opportunities in law enforcement, VIP security (you know, those “Secret Service” types with the shades and earpiece who never, ever smile), or to a career as a Private Investigator. But before all that, you can start out as a guard. Don’t’ worry, you can still wear the shades!

Good skills and traits to have: Assertiveness, professionalism, being punctual!!

*Salaries start at $15 per hour.

3.) Manufacturing & Warehouse Workers

(includes Assembly Operators, Delivery Drivers, Forklift Operators, General Labourers, Machine Operators, Manufacturing Technicians, Material Handlers, Production Workers, Shippers & Receivers, Warehouse Associates & more)

Chances are you’ve made an online order or two since the pandemic began. Chances are also that those online orders were sent to warehouses around the country – and other parts of the world – for fulfillment. Like the large-chain grocery business, online shopping (not including online groceries) is another business that has been booming!

Online retail giants from Amazon to Wayfair have seen their sales skyrocket. Traditional big box retailers like Canadian Tire, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Staples and others have been making up for their loss of in-store sales, online. In keeping up with the online demand, the industry as a whole has had to hire thousands of workers (often on-the-fly!) to fill all kinds of roles.

Beyond the names we all know and hear about, there are literally thousands of smaller to mid-level industrial, manufacturing and warehousing operations that employ hundreds of thousands of workers for everything from assembly line production to shipping and receiving to general warehouse operations. There are tons of options and opportunities. Add a skilled labour shortage that has only been made worse by the pandemic, and there are lots of manufacturing and warehousing jobs in-demand!

 Good skills and traits to have: Being physically fit, strong technical aptitude, working well with others, big on safety!!

 *Salaries: Range from $14 – $22 per hour depending on the role

4.) Freelancers & Creatives:

Freelancing has been around forever. All kinds of creative services have been exchanged since the beginning of time. Remember court jesters?! While it might not be on a lot of people’s radar, the demand for creative freelancers has skyrocketed. Just look at what happened to Fiverr’s stock during the pandemic. There is not a business on God’s green earth that does not require some form of content, copywriting, graphic design, or other types of marketing services. The material doesn’t create itself!

All kinds of writers, graphic designers, audio/video technicians and other creative specialists are needed to help out with any company’s most important task – marketing! It just depends on whether a company hires in-house, outsources to an agency or just hires individual freelancers. For now, there seems to be some upward mobility going on for freelancers, possibly at the short-term or long-term expense of employees and larger agencies. Only time will tell how it all plays out.

Good skills and traits to have: Highly organized, self-motivated, always learning

 *Salaries: Way too many variables to provide an average. Depends on the type of work, level of experience, size of the company, etc.

5.) Work-from-Home: Customer Service Representatives

Before the pandemic began, most customer service representatives worked in call centers in tiny little cubicles. The idea of working from home sounded pretty sweet. After almost a year of so many of us suddenly working from home, it’s hard to tell whether it’s still as sweet. Some love it entirely, some hate it entirely and others would prefer a little of both.

As for the jobs and duties themselves, it seems to be working. We’ve now seen how much we can do from home with a stable internet connection. With so many companies realizing the office space they rent or building they lease is no longer a necessary expense, there’s a good chance many of these jobs will remain at home. And with so much more taking place online, it should mean the need for CSRs will only increase.

Good skills and traits to have: Ability to follow a script while improvising, basic technical skills, friendly personality, patient

*Salaries can start at $15 per hour and may include performance bonuses for CSRs working in sales or customer retention.

6.) PSW’s (Personal Support Workers)

Job growth is usually a very good thing. But this is one of those rare instances where it’s met with less enthusiasm due to the reasons for the job growth. If it wasn’t for the pandemic, we definitely wouldn’t be seeing what we’re seeing. PSW’s are currently on the frontlines of this situation, so it’s only natural it will come with significant job growth.

The question is, as things get back to normal, will the jobs still be there? While it’s hard to say right now, healthcare as a whole (at the federal, provincial, and municipal level) is undergoing major transformations, so getting started as a PSW may not be a bad area to explore.

Good skills and traits to have: Kind-hearted and nurturing, love helping people, a lot of patience, very organized (and a good memory helps too!)

 *Salaries can start at $22 per hour

If you’re a job seeker or worker interested in training or jobs in industrial labour, manufacturing, warehousing, security or various skilled and general labour work, maybe be can help. If that sounds like you, join our candidate database to get started! Go to, click on register and complete your profile. It only takes a few minutes! Or if you just want to talk to someone on our team to learn more about how we might be able to help you find a job, drop us a line at

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